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Edgespot ConsultantsEdgespot ConsultantsEdgespot Consultants


Annual Occupational Health and Safety Audits

Annual OHS Audits are a requirement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2007.

(1) The occupier of a workplace shall cause a thorough safety and health audit of his workplace to be carried out at least once in every period of twelve months by a safety and health advisor, who shall issue a report of such an audit containing the prescribed particulars to the occupier on payment of a prescribed fee and shall send a copy of the report to the Director.

(2) The audit report referred to in subsection (1) shall be preserved and be kept available for inspection by the occupational safety and health officer.
It enables an organization to effectively manage the health and safety risks of its premises, reducing risk therefore prevents injury and ill health.

Carrying out workplace health and safety audit promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing a framework that allows organizations to: –

  • To identify and reduce their occupational health and safety risks
  • To reduce potential for accidents
  • To aid in legislative compliance
  • To improve overall performance.

Employee safety and wellbeing can be improved as a result of objectives and responsibilities being made clearer, with awareness of potential hazards. Significant improvement in staff motivation and commitment can be achieved, which helps improve workplace safety.

We provide OHS Audit services to our clients and assist develop actions towards overall improvement of the OHS Management system. We also submit the Audit reports to DOSH on your behalf.

Annual Fire Risk Assessments (Fire Audit)

A fire risk assessment is a process involving the systematic evaluation of the factors that determine the hazard from fire, the likelihood that there will be a fire and the consequences if one were to occur.

A fire risk assessment involves a physical inspection of the building to determine the adequacy of the existing fire precautions and the need for any additional measures.

However, of equal importance to the physical inspection is a review of fire safety management in the organization and consideration of the human factors – how people will respond to an emergency and whether they will take appropriate action.

The fire risk assessment also carried out to satisfy the requirements of legislation.

The main objective of this is to will primarily be the safety of the occupants of the building.

Work Place Risk Assessments

Work Place Risk assessments is a legal requirement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2007, which requires all employers to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to workers and any other who may be affected by their work or business.

Our approach to Risk Assessment process provides a systematic means for us to carry out and record all the risk assessments by:

  • Identification of hazard
  • Deciding who might be harmed and how
  • Assessing the severity of the risk
  • Recording existing control measures
  • Identifying further actions
  • Providing a review mechanism

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